Linked list with preorder successor
Create a linked list with the nodes of a binary tree in an preorder succession.
Like the previous program, a linker is used to link the next nodes in the linked list while doing a preorder traversal. The first found node is stored in the head pointer.
public class PreorderSuccessor { public static void main(String[] args) { NextNode a=new NextNode(1); NextNode b=new NextNode(2); NextNode c=new NextNode(3); NextNode d=new NextNode(4); NextNode e=new NextNode(5); NextNode f=new NextNode(6); NextNode g=new NextNode(7); NextNode h=new NextNode(8); NextNode i=new NextNode(9); a.left=b; a.right=c; b.right=d; c.left=e; c.right=f; d.left=g; d.right=h; g.right=i; NextNode head=linkPreorderSuccessor(a); while(head!=null) { System.out.println(head.value);; } } public static NextNode linkPreorderSuccessor(NextNode root) { NodeContainer linker=new NodeContainer(); NodeContainer head=new NodeContainer(); linkPreorderSuccessor(root, linker, head); return head.node; } private static void linkPreorderSuccessor(NextNode root, NodeContainer linker, NodeContainer head) { if(root==null) return; if(head.node==null&&root!=null) head.node=root; if(linker.node!=null); linker.node=root; linkPreorderSuccessor(root.left,linker,head); linkPreorderSuccessor(root.right, linker, head); } } class NextNode { public NextNode left; public NextNode right; public NextNode next; public int value; public NextNode(int value) { this.value=value; } } class NodeContainer { public NextNode node; }