Type like pro


Towers of Hanoi

Towers of Hanoi


There are 3 rods where discs can be stacked. All the discs are having different diameters. The goal of the game is to move all discs from one tower to another using the third tower. The rules are simple. Only smaller disc can go on top of the bigger discs. So the discs will be sorted according to their sizes and bigger one will be at the bottom. Only one disc can be moved at a time. you must put the removed disc in some tower, it cannot be left in any other places. At the beginning there are some discs in tower one. The goal is to move them to tower 2 following the above rules.


Suppose we are moving discs from tower 1 to tower 2 with the help of tower 3. We can see that the bigger disc of the bottom can only be moved when all top discs are moved out of tower 1. As this is the bigger disc it can only go to an empty rod. So this creates a subproblem. To move all the disc from 1 to 2, we need to move n-1 discs from 1 to 3 using 2. Now after moving the top n-1, we can move the bottom one to tower2 as it is empty at that point. After that we need to move all discs from tower 3 to tower 2 with the help of tower 1, as this is currently empty.


import java.util.Stack;

public class TowersOfHanoi
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Tower towerSource = new Tower("1");
  Tower towerDestination = new Tower("2");
  Tower towerHelper = new Tower("3");
  move(towerSource.stack.size(), towerSource, towerDestination,

 private static void move(int size, Tower towerSource,
   Tower towerDestination, Tower towerHelper)
  if (towerSource.stack.isEmpty())
  if (size == 1)
   System.out.println("Move " + towerSource.stack.peek()
     + " from tower " + towerSource.name + " to tower "
     + towerDestination.name);
  move(size - 1, towerSource, towerHelper, towerDestination);
  move(1, towerSource, towerDestination, towerHelper);
  move(size - 1, towerHelper, towerDestination, towerSource);

 private static class Tower
  public String name;
  public Stack < integer > stack = new Stack < integer >();

  public Tower(String name)
   this.name = name;