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Snakes and ladders

Snakes and ladders


Given a snakes and ladder board, find out the minimum move to reach to the top.

Brute force

From any cell the dice throw can decide 6 new positions. So if we try to find out all possible paths, it will give 6^n such paths.

Better solution

We can consider any cell of the snakes and ladders board as a vertex. From any vertex we can have 6 different vertex where we can go based on the dice throw. We can think of these as 6 edges with cost 1, going towards 6 different vertexes. We can apply BFS to find the shortest path. We start from cell 1, we mark all the cells that can be reached by 1 throw of dice as 1. if any one of these cells are starting point of a snake or ladder we mark the endpoint of that snake or ladder instead. So we start from cell 1 and after this step all the cells marked as 1 can be reached by 1 throw. Then we put all these nodes in a queue and try to find all the cells that are one throw away from those cells. Then we mark them as 2 and put them in queue. In this way when the cell 100 is reached we found the path. To reconstruct the path we keep the dice throw that caused us to reach a particular cell and the previous cell from where we reach there in two separate arrays.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;

public class SnakesAndLadders

 private static List<Movers> snakesAndLadders;

 public static void main(String[] args)

  snakesAndLadders = new ArrayList<Movers>();

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(9, 31));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(17, 7));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(28, 84));
  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(85, 41));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(51, 67));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(54, 34));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(62, 19));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(64, 60));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(71, 91));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(80, 99));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(87, 24));

  snakesAndLadders.add(new Movers(93, 73));

  int[] moveMap = new int[101];

  for (Movers movers : snakesAndLadders)
   moveMap[movers.start] = movers.end;

  int[] minMove = new int[101];
  int[] dice = new int[101];
  int[]fromCell=new int[101];
  LinkedList<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
  boolean finished=false;
  while (!queue.isEmpty()&&!finished)
   int cell = queue.poll();
   for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i)
    int newCell = moveMap[cell + i] == 0 ? cell + 
      i : moveMap[cell + i];
    if (minMove[newCell] == 0)
     minMove[newCell] = minMove[cell] + 1;


  int cell=100;
  Stack<String> stack=new Stack<String>();
   stack.push("new cell "+cell);
   stack.push("dice throw "+dice[cell]);

 * Snakes and Ladders basically do the same thing. They move the 
 * coin from one place to another if they move in positive direction 
 * we call them ladders otherwise snakes.
class Movers

 public int start;

 public int end;

 public boolean goingUp;

 public Movers(int start, int end)

  this.start = start;

  this.end = end;